Saturday, June 28, 2008

Sun, Vitamin D, skin cancer and Big Fat Liars

I'm appalled at how afraid of the sun people have become. Is it possible that certain influential organizations are making money by disseminating false info?

In a world where we are bombarded with conflicting information, how do we know what to do? I really think we need to stop listening to the corrupt outside organizations that are attempting to influence us and look inside for the answers.

Here's what my inside tells me (backed up by thousands of studies, I might add) - The sun is extremely healthful, and we need full spectrum sunlight (like that evil mid-day sun the liars talk about) because our pineal gland (located in the eye), which is responsible for activating hundreds of necessary bio-chemical processes, requires sunlight to send proper messages and chemicals to the body.

Vitamin D, which is synthesized when we're in the sun, is necessary for immune function, heart and brain health and myriad other systems in the body. Lack of vitamin D has been linked to many, many diseases, particularly cancer, and ........melanoma. The whole reason they tell us to avoid the sun!

So, I suggest you do one of two things. Either go get a tan (sans sunscreen), or spread the misinformation that the sun is bad and we should all slather ourselves with carcinogenic sunscreen, and buy some Coppertone stock so you to can profit from the lies.

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